About Us - WL

World Language


Educational Philosophy
The study of a language that is not our own provides new opportunities to communicate with speakers of other languages, understand how others think and express their thoughts, perceive the world around us differently, and enhance our appreciation and understanding of ourselves and of others.

Because of the unique rewards of this discipline, we believe:

  • all students should become proficient in at least one language other than English
  • language learning is a lifelong undertaking (ideally beginning in elementary school and continuing beyond high school)
  • the study of language cannot be separated from the study of its culture, including daily living, history, literature, and the arts
  • there are natural connections between the study of language and other disciplines
  • language learners should interact with other speakers of the language locally and globally


Our philosophy parallels that of the Massachusetts Foreign Languages Curriculum Framework and the national Standards for Foreign Language Learning.

All students of modern languages should

  • develop proficiency in the target language through listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, and presenting in the target language
  • develop an understanding of the target culture: its daily life, history, literature, arts, mathematics, and science
  • develop insight into languages and cultures through comparison and contrast
  • acquire information in and make connections with other disciplines such as the arts, English, history, and social studies
  • communicate with local and international speakers of the language
  • develop critical and creative thinking, organizational, cooperative, and study skills
  • use technology as a tool for communicating, developing language skills, and accessing authentic cultural material from around the world


Course Offerings
Currently we offer courses in Spanish, French, Chinese and Latin. The  2019-2020 Program of Studies guide provides detailed course descriptions.


Sinikka Savukoski, Regional Department Chair
Telephone: (978)264-4700 extension 3473; 
Fax: (978)266-1133
[email protected]

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