SCHOOL YEAR 2024-2025
Tues, Dec 3, Volunteer Hours Report Forms Due
Thurs, Dec. 5 - AB Math Team hosting Regional Competition
Mon., Dec. 9
-Early Release for Students at 1:15 pm
-Winter Athletic Night, 7:00 pm
Tues, Dec. 10 - Junior Post-Secondary Planning Night, 6:00 pm, at RJ Grey
Tues, Dec. 10 - Thurs. Dec. 13, 12th Grade SOS Meetings
Fri - Sat, Dec. 12-14, Fall Musical "Annie"
Tues, Dec. 17, Winter Concert - Band, Chorus & Orchestra, 7:00 pm
Parents and caretakers will want to be familiar with the attendance policy and procedures for excusing student absences, latenesses, and early dismissals. You can learn more here: Quick Guide for Parent/Caretakers Reporting Attendance