Common Questions

1. How do I notify the school of absence, early dismissal or tardy for my student?

Please read the Parent Quick Guide to Attendance for instructions on reporting attendance.

2. How do I register a new student?

Visit the Counseling website or click HERE for detailed information on registration.

3. How do I request a copy of my records?

To obtain a copy of student records email the registrar at [email protected] or write to the HS Registrar Office:

Attn: Registrar


36 Charter Road

Acton MA 01720

4. How may I get a copy of my high school transcript?

To request a high school transcript please fill out this Transcript Request Form. There is a $4.00 processing fee for each official transcript requested for current students. Payment can be made online using the form.

5. Is there on campus parking for students?

Parking on campus will be available for seniors at a cost of $250 for the year. Seniors may purchase their parking stickers on our EFUNDS electronic payment system using these Parking Permit Instructions. They may also purchase parking stickers at the high school in the Campus Support Office on Monday, August 26 and Tuesday, August 27 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm or once school starts during regular school hours. 

When purchasing stickers at school, students should bring cash or a check made payable to ABRHS. Any senior who owes a parking fine from their junior year will not be issued a parking sticker until the fine is paid.


Additional Parking During school hours parents, caretakers, and visitors are welcome to park in the designated visitor parking spaces at the high school. Please do not park in any non-designated visitor spaces as they have been assigned to faculty and staff.  Please note that no parking will be available at RJ Grey Junior High School, the District Office, or the Parker Damon Building for high school students. Any student without a parking sticker must park at the Hayward Road Lower Fields.

During school hours parents and visitors are welcome to park in the designated visitor parking spaces at the high school. Please do not park in any numbered parking space as all of these spaces have been assigned to faculty and staff.

The speed limit through the parking lots and access roads to the ABRHS campus is 15 miles per hour. Please obey all speed limits and stop signs while driving on campus.

The high school campus has a specific drop off and pick up areas for parents, students, and buses. The direction of traffic flow changes in the morning and the afternoon. We ask that all visitors please follow the direction of the high school campus support staff. The campus support staff is available to answer your questions and direct you through our campus.

6. How do I add/drop a class or move up/down a level?

Students should make an appointment with their Counselor.

7. How can I get a message to my student during the school day?

We try not to interrupt classes to deliver messages.  The main office staff will email your student or in emergency situations, they will deliver a message to the classroom.

8. How do I find Athletic schedules, cancellations and directions?

Click on the Athletic Dept. Website and then click on Team Schedules.

9. How do I get a work permit?

Work Permit applications are located in the HS Counseling or Main Office.  You can also view and  print the form. If you download the form, please complete:  Part 1) Employment Permit Application for 14 through 17 year-olds.  Part 2) Physician Certificate of Health and Parent signature page.  Please note: Part 3) Employment Permit must be signed in the presence of the authorized person in the Counseling Center or Main Office to have a Permit Number assigned.  Please bring all completed pages to the High School Counseling Center or Main Office. 

10. What is the process for filling out a CORI form to volunteer at the high school?

CORI – Criminal Offense Record Investigation reports are mandatory for all parents and others who would like to volunteer. To apply for CORI approval you must fill out this form and bring the form and a copy of your license to the main office at the high school to apply. The processing of your approval can take up to two weeks. You will only be informed if there is a problem.  If you have any questions please contact Jaquelinne Bedoya or Melanie Vaughn at 978-263-4700 X 41001

11. How do I get my PowerSchool Parent Password?

In order to access your student’s schedule parents will first need to take the time to go on line to complete or edit your student’s emergency contact information on the PowerSchool Parent Portal (see information on setting up new account on login page of parent portal). Once your student’s emergency information and PTSO/School Permission are completed you will be able to track your student’s attendance, view historical grades and schedule via the Parent Portal. If you have problems setting up your account, please contact Jaquelinne Bedoya in the main office by email [email protected]

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